Majlis Sukan Negeri Selangor - MSNS was established by Act 29 of the second schedule, the Malaysian National Sports Council Act 1971. The Council under the State Government and administered by staff seconded from the Department – the Department of State and get a fixed grant from the Selangor State Government. The Council has continued to grow and in 1986 the Council organize all perjawatannya to increase the number of its employees.
Meeting Of The Committee Manager Bill MSNS. 3/91 dated 27th August 1991 chaired by YAB Dato ' Menteri Besar as Chairman of Majlis Sukan Negeri Selangor at that time agreed that private or MSNS administered in privatized with no fixed allocation of grants or the Selangor State Government but generates income through some privatisation.
MSNS Holdings Limited was established in 1991 and has started its operation in 1995 as an investment arm of Majlis Sukan Negeri Selangor.
The main goal of establishment is to generate revenue to help the Council's financial resources. In addition to MSNS Holdings Sendirian Berhad, which acts as a body corporate planning, the Council has also set up another company namely MSNS Sports Management Sendirian Berhad to channel business.
Several subsidiary was established in an effort to realize its role among them, MSNS Sport Care (M) Sendirian Berhad and MSNS KC Event Sendirian Berhad (MSNS Facilities Management Sendirian Berhad). Joint venture companies also held and among them the MSNS Emico Industries Sendirian Berhad and MSNS MMC Media Sendirian Berhad.
The Council continues to grow and develop athletes as well as the development of business investment – a subsidiary of and in accordance with the developments, the Council once again restructured the Organization since 1994 and is used until 2000.
Council of State (MMK) by MMK Paper No. 35/1/2000 convened on 5th January 2000 have been agreed to MSNS restructured subsequently changed the status to State statutory bodies. Since January 2005 the Management Council will implement and use Malaysian remuneration Scheme (SSM) as a basis of Management Guide.
Jawatan Kosong Majlis Sukan Negeri Selangor |
1. Jurulatih Sepenuh Masa
- Memanah
- Angkat Berat
- Gimnastik
- Berbasikal
- Olahraga
- Menembak
- Malaysian.
- Not less than 25tahun and not more than 52 years on the closing date of the position, but it is subject to the type of sport.
- Coaching Certificate at - least Level 2 Diploma in Coaching National peringkatPersatuan within or outside the country recognized by the International Olympic Council (IOC) and the certificate or certificates Coaching at same level highest in a game at the National Association.
- Has experience coaching high performance athletes at the National Negeri or at - least 2 years or more.
- Requirements - special conditions recommended by the body - the national badan sukan concerned.
- Not involved in any - any external program and willing to place go - where state training centers.
- Have a strong interest in
Jawatan Kosong MSN Selangor Closing date 17 November 2014